EVL’s Lance Long recognized with UIC’s Award of Merit
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Lance Long, Senior Research Programmer for the Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL), which is part of the Computer Science (CS) department at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC), is a recipient of the 2018 UIC Award of Merit. This campus-wide honor annually recognizes Academic Professional and Civil Service employees who have demonstrated a commitment to excellence in all aspects of their work.
Of the 30 awards being given this year, Long is one of two from the College of Engineering, representing the Computer Science department. Long started his career as a UIC Computer Science graduate student, who early on contributed to EVL’s successes and is now a dedicated staff member that retains the collective laboratory memory of how things were developed, while helping make new advancements.
The Merit Award recognizes Long’s service to the laboratory, the Computer Science department, and the campus. He is currently responsible for facilitating and expediting the design, development, acquisition and integration of EVL’s advanced visualization, computing and networking technologies. In addition, he assists with EVL tours and demonstrations for campus visitors and for student recruitment, supports interdisciplinary faculty and students who use EVL resources, and spends many hours assisting other campus units who want to replicate EVL’s technologies. In addition, he contributes to Federal grants, co-authors research papers, helps set up and demo EVL’s technologies at major conferences, and visits and consults with academic, government and industrial partners who use and/or license EVL’s technologies.
It is an honor long overdue. Congratulations to Lance!