Pay Periods, Due Dates, and Pay Dates: Calendar year 2025 Heading link
Note: The following are university designated holidays and are NON-WORKING Days. So, you should NOT have any time on your timesheets for these days.
- Wednesday, January 1, 2025 (New Year’s Day)
- Monday, January 20, 2025 (Martin Luker King Jr. Day)
- Monday, May 26, 2025 (Memorial Day)
- Thursday, June 19, 2025 (Juneteenth Day)
- Friday, July 4, 2025 (Independence Day)
- Monday, September 1, 2025 (Labor Day)
- Thursday & Friday, November 27-28, 2025 (Thanksgiving Day)
- Thursday & Friday, December 25-26, 2025 (Christmas Day)
Pay Periods, Due Dates, and Pay Dates: Calendar year Heading link
Pay Period | Timesheet Due Date | Pay Date |
12/22/2024 - 1/4/2025 | 2 pm, Friday, Jan. 3 | 1/15/25 |
1/5/2025 - 1/18/2025 | 2 pm, Friday, Jan. 17 | 1/29/25 |
1/19/2025 - 2/1/2025 | 2 pm, Friday, Jan. 31 | 2/12/25 |
2/2/2025 - 2/15/2025 | 2 pm, Friday, Feb. 14 | 2/26/25 |
2/16/2025 - 3/1/2025 | 2 pm, Friday, Feb. 28 | 3/12/25 |
3/2/2025 - 3/15/2025 | 2 pm, Friday, March 14 | 3/26/25 |
3/16/2025 - 3/29/2025 | 2 pm, Friday, March 28 | 4/9/25 |
3/30/2025 - 4/12/2025 | 2 pm, Friday, April 11 | 4/23/25 |
4/13/2025 - 4/26/2025 | 2 pm, Friday, April 25 | 5/7/25 |
4/27/2025 - 5/10/2025 | 2 pm, Friday, May 9 | 5/21/25 |
5/11/2025 - 5/24/2025 | 2 pm, Friday, May 23 | 6/4/25 |
5/25/2025 - 6/7/2025 | 2 pm, Friday, June 6 | 6/18/25 |
6/8/2025 - 6/21/2025 | 2 pm, Friday, June 20 | 7/2/25 |
6/22/2025 - 7/5/2025 | 2 pm, Thursday, July 3 | 7/16/25 |
7/6/2025 - 7/19/2025 | 2 pm, Friday, July 18 | 7/30/25 |
7/20/2025 - 8/2/2025 | 2 pm, Friday, Aug. 1 | 8/13/25 |
8/3/2025 - 8/16/2025 | 2 pm, Friday, Aug. 15 | 8/27/25 |
8/17/2025 - 8/30/2025 | 2 pm, Friday, Aug. 29 | 9/10/25 |
8/31/2025 - 9/13/2025 | 2 pm, Friday, Sept. 12 | 9/24/25 |
9/14/2025 - 9/27/2025 | 2 pm, Friday, Sept. 26 | 10/8/25 |
9/28/2025 - 10/11/2025 | 2 pm, Friday, Oct. 10 | 10/22/25 |
10/12/2025 - 10/25/2025 | 2 pm, Friday, Oct. 24 | 11/5/25 |
10/26/2025 - 11/8/2025 | 2 pm, Friday, Nov. 7 | 11/19/25 |
11/9/2025 - 11/22/2025 | 2 pm, Friday, Nov. 21 | 12/3/25 |
11/23/2025 - 12/6/2025 | 2 pm, Friday, Dec. 5 | 12/17/25 |
12/7/2025 - 12/20/2025 | 2 pm, Friday, Dec. 19 | 12/31/25 |
Conversion Chart: Minutes to Tenths of Hours Heading link
1-2 min = .0 | 15-20 min = .3 | 33-38 min = .6 | 51-56 min = .9 |
3-8 min = .1 | 21-26 min = .4 | 39-44 min = .7 | 57-60 min = 1.0 |
9-14 min = .2 | 27-32 min = .5 | 45-50 min = .8 |
Timesheet Submission Process for student: Heading link
- Log in to
- In the Search bar, type “Employee” and select “Time Sheet” from the results.
- Select your position (if you have multiple) and choose the current pay period.
- Click “Enter Time”, input the hours worked for each day for the two weeks, and SAVE.
- Click “Preview” to review your timesheet.
- Take a screenshot of the preview page, ensuring that both your name and hours worked are visible.
- Click “Submit” to finalize your timesheet submission.
- Copy and paste the screenshot into the body of an email.
Use the subject line:
“Timesheet for [Pay Period] for [Your Name]” - Send the email to your instructor for approval.
* Refer to the conversion chart on the timesheet information page for less than a full hour.
** Remember official university designated holidays are non-working days and so you should not have any hours on those days. Refer to the list above for these days.