Shriram Krishnamurthi
January 24, 2020
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Presenter: Shriram Krishnamurthi, Brown University
Abstract: Computer science education is a difficult and fascinating problem, sitting at the intersection of the technical and human. It is also an increasingly urgent problem as countries around the world are rushing to add computing to their curricula and wrestling with broadening access to it. The needs are not limited to schoolchildren: working adults and the elderly use computers in ever more sophisticated ways.
What role can computer scientists play in this movement? Some examples (such as educational data mining) are obvious, but there are numerous other important (and perhaps subtle) facets of computing education that can all be enhanced by, or even depend on, computing research. In this talk, Krishnamurthi will provide a look at some of those questions, and identify a few of the numerous challenges the field has barely begun to address.
Speaker Bio: Shriram Krishnamurthi is a professor of computer science at Brown University. With collaborators and students, he has created several influential systems and written multiple widely-used books. He also co-directs the Bootstrap integrated computing outreach program. For his work he has received SIGPLAN's Robin Milner Young Researcher Award, SIGSOFT's Influential Educator Award, SIGPLAN's Software Award (joinly), and Brown's Henry Merritt Wriston Fellowship for distinguished contribution to undergraduate education. Krishnamurthi has authored over a dozen papers recognized for honors by program committees. He has an honorary doctorate from the Università della Svizzera Italiana.
Faculty Host: Venkat Venkatakrishnan
Date posted
Oct 31, 2019
Date updated
Jan 7, 2020