Brian Ziebart
Department of Computer Science
Building & Room:
3-190H LIB
801 S. Morgan St., Chicago, IL, 60607
Office Phone:
I am primarily interested in machine learning and its applications to problems in robotics, assistive technologies, and human-computer interaction. I develop and apply new techniques for predicting structured data. I was awarded a Ph.D. in Machine Learning from Carnegie Mellon University in 2010.
Adversarial prediction: Approximating our training data and optimizing over the exact performance measure to provide greater flexibility for:
- Learning under covariate shift (input distribution bias) and active learning;
- Cost-sensitive classification and inductive optimization of univariate performance measures;
- Learning to optimize for F-measure, discounted cumulative gain, and other multivariate performance measures; and
- Structured prediction problems over sequences, trees, graphs, etc.
Inverse optimal control: Using maximum entropy structured prediction techniques to forecast future human behavior for intelligent robotics and vehicle navigation applications.
My research is supported by the following grants:
- NSF CAREER (RI)-1652530: Adversarial Machine Learning for Structured Prediction
- NSF EAGER (SCH)-1650900: The Virtual Assistant Health Coach: Summarization and Assessment of Goal-Setting Dialogues with Barbara Di Eugenio, Ben Gerber, Bing Liu, and Lisa Sharp
- NSF IIS-1526379: Robust Optimization of Loss Functions with Application to Active Learning with Lev Reyzin
- NSF III-1514126: Computational tools for extracting individual, dyadic, and network behavior from remotely sensed data with Tanya Berger-Wolf and Meg Crofoot
- Future of Life Institute: Towards Safer Inductive Learning
- NSF NRI-1227495: Purposeful Prediction: Co-robot Interaction via Understanding Intent and Goals (sub-contract) with Drew Bagnell, Martial Hebert, Anind Dey, Dieter Fox, Josh Tenenbaum
Selected Publications
Notable Honors
2012, Best Paper Runner-Up, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)
2012, Best Paper Nominee, International Conference on User Interfaces (IUI)
2011, Best Paper Award, International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)
2011, Honorable Mention for Dissertation Award, Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science
Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University, 2010