John Bell
Senior Lecturer
Department of Computer Science
Building & Room:
SEO 921
851 S. Morgan St., MC 152, Chicago, IL, 60607
Office Phone:
Related Sites:
Research Interests:
Virtual reality
The following pages relate to my teaching activities, including archives of past courses I've taught and resource information for current and past students.
- Sample Exams, showing my exam philosophies, typical format, and some examples.
- Archive of Java Games from EECS 370 Fall 2000 and Spring 2001 terms.
- EECS 588, Computer Graphics I I, Spring 2000 Web Site Archive
- Eng 591, Virtual Reality Programming, Fall 1999 Web Site Archive
- A brief introduction to "make".
- A collection of course & education related web links.
Programming Resources:
- CplusPlus.com
- Linux man pages
- Brian Ladd's Agility Training Workshop Resources - A collection of links to development tools.
- Revision Control Systems
- IceScrum
- Volere - Requirements development
- VMWare - Contact Jakob Eriksson or Jon Solworth to get your account set up.
- Ubuntu
- Unity3D
- John Bell's Course Notes ( Current and Past Courses )
- CPlus ( Somewhere between C and C )
- Matlab
- OO Software Engineering
- Networking
- Operating Systems
- Computer Graphics
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1990