Zhiling Lan
Department of Computer Science
Building & Room:
SEO 809
851 S. Morgan St (MC 154), Chicago IL 60607
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Zhiling Lan is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC).
She also has a joint appointment with Argonne National Laboratory.
She was Professor of Computer Science at the Illinois Institute of Technology from 2002 to 2023.
She leads the SPEAR Lab (Systems for Performance, Energy, and Resiliency).
Her personal website is here: https://lanzhiling.github.io/
Research Interests:
Parallel and distributed systems, high-performance computing
External Links:
Selected Grants
DOE, Tachyon: Intelligent Multi-Scale Modeling of Distributed Resilient Infrastructure and Workflows for Data Intensive HEP Analyses, site PI at UIC
NSF, SHF: Small: Intelligent Management of Hybrid Workloads for Extreme Scale Computing, PI
DOE, Kronos: Enabling Long Timescale PDES Simulations via Multi-Resolution Methods, site PI at UIC
Selected Publications
PADS’23 E. Cruz, K. Brown, X. Wang, X. Xu, K. Shu, Z. Lan, R. Ross and C. Carothers, “Hybrid PDES Simulation of HPC Networks using Zombie Packets”[Best Short Paper Award]
SC’22 Y. Kang, X. Wang, and Z. Lan, “Mitigating Network Contention with Intelligent Routing”
Cluster’22 B. Li, M. Dearing, Y. Fan, B. Allcock, P. Rich, M. Papka, and Z. Lan, “MRSch: Multi-Resource Scheduling for HPC”.
IPDPS’21 Y. Fan, Z. Lan, P. Rich, W. Allcock, and M. Papka, “Hybrid Workload Scheduling on HPC Systems”.
HPDC’21 Y. Kang, X. Wang, and Z. Lan, “Q-adaptive: A Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Based Routing on Dragonfly Network”
IPDPS’21 Y. Fan, Z. Lan, T. Childers, P. Rich, W. Allcock, and M. Papka, “Deep Reinforcement Agent for Scheduling in HPC”.
IPDPS’20 X. Wang, M. Mubarak, Y. Kang, R. Ross, and Z. Lan, “Union: An Automatic Workload Manager for Accelerating Network Simulation”.
HPDC’19 Y. Fan, Z. Lan, P. Rich, W. Allcock, M. Papka, B. Austin, and D. Paul, “Scheduling Beyond CPUs for HPC”.
SC’16. X. Yang, J. Jenkins, M. Mubarak, R. Ross, and Z. Lan, “Watch Out for the Bully! Job Interference Study on Dragonfly Network”.
SC’16 S. Wallace, X. Yang, V. Vishwanath, W. Allcock, S. Coghlan, M. Papka, and Z. Lan, “A Data Driven Scheduling Approach for Power Management on HPC Systems”.
Service to Community
Technical Program Committee (TPC): SC'14, Cluster'15, HPDC'15, HPDC'16, Cluster'16, CCGrid'17, SSDBM'17, HPCC'17, JSSPP'15-'23, SC'17, Cluster'17, CCGrid'18, ICPP'18, Cluster'18, SC'18, CCGrid'19, SC'19, ACM PADS'19, PADS'20, IISWC'20, DDDAS'23, Cluster'20-'23, ICPP'21,CCGrid'21,FTXS'21-'23, IPDPS'21-'23, ICDCS'22-'23, SC'21-'23
IPDPS'20 System Software Vice Chair, IEEE/ACM SC'11 System Software Chair, ACM ICS'17 Financial Chair, GCASR'17 Co-Chair, IEEE Cluster TPC Track Chair (Architecture,Networks/Communications, and Management)
Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 2014-2018.
Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from Northwestern University, 2002