Ugo Buy
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Building & Room:
1139 SEO
851 S. Morgan St, MC 152, Chicago, IL, 60607
Office Phone:
CV Link:
My research interests are in the general area of software engineering with emphasis on modeling and analysis of concurrent and real-time systems. In the past, I have investigated various methods for automatic verification of these systems using such models as finite automata and Petri nets. In recent years, I have shifted my main research focus to the automatic generation of control supervisors for discrete manufacturing systems. For instance, I codirected NIST-sponsored project seeking to generate automatically supervisory controllers for discrete manufacturing plants. More generally, I am now interested in techniques for supervisory control and dynamic reconfiguration of discrete event systems. An additional application is the automatic correction of multi-threaded Java programs required to be free of deadlock and to comply with user-specified safety properties. Additional interests include software development for multicore hardware, mobile app development, and sensor networks.
I usually teach courses on object-oriented programming languages (CS 342 and CS 474), software engineering (CS 342, CS 440, CS 442 and CS 540), and mobile app development (CS 478). In the past, I have also taught introductory computer-science classes (CS 100 and CS 101), data structures (CS 201), and theory classes (CS 301 and CS 401).
List of courses that I taught:
Professional Activities:
- Organization committee member for Petri Nets '93, 14th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets, Chicago, Illinois, June, 1993.
- Program committee member for ICCI'93 Fifth International Conference on Computing and Information, Sudbury, Ontario, May, 1993.
- Program committee member for IWSSD-7 IEEE Seventh International Workshop on Software Specification and Design, Redondo Beach, California, December, 1993.
- Program committee member for IWSSD-8 IEEE Eighth International Workshop on Software Specification and Design, Paderborn, Germany, March, 1996.
Notable Honors
2013, The Teaching Award, College of Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago
2006, Award For Excellence In Teaching, University of Illinois at Chicago
2005, Teaching Recognition Program Award, University of Illinois at Chicago
1995, University of Illinois at Chicago, The Harold A. Simon Award for Excellence in Teaching, College of Engineering
Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, 1990