CS Minor
minor Heading link

The computer science department offers a minor in CS to students who wish to obtain a basic proficiency in computer science. A minor in CS is can enhance your professional qualifications in an increasingly interdisciplinary job market in which computing plays a central role.
Electives include classes in Game Design, Database Systems, Software Design, Visualization, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Hardware Organization, and Graphics.
The computer science minor is available to current UIC undergraduates and requires 15 to 17 credit hours, excluding prerequisite courses. This minor is not available to majors in either computer engineering or mathematical computer science.
Computer Science Minor Requirements Heading link
Completion of the following:
- CS 111 / CS 107 / CS 109
- MATH 180*
*Students majoring outside the College of Engineering may petition to substitute either Math 165 or Math 170 for Math 180 for the CS Minor. However, be advised that if the student decides to become a CS major they will be required to take Math 180; Math 165/170 will NOT satisfy the Math 180 requirement for majors.
Applying for the minor
Once you have completed the prerequisites, fill out an application for the minor online (note: UIC NetID and password required for this link) or in the College of Engineering office, SEO 123.
GPA requirements: 2.0 on a scale of 4.0 for College of Engineering students; 2.5 on a scale of 4.0 for all other majors.
Required for minor
- CS 141*
- CS 151
- CS 211
- CS 251
- Plus one of the following electives: CS 261, CS 301, CS 341, CS 342, CS 401, or any other CS 400-level class for which prerequisites are met.
*Note: Students with credit in CS 107 satisfy the CS 141 requirement.
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