MS Program

Requirements Heading link

Cover of CS master of science booklet

In addition to the Graduate College minimum requirements, students must meet the following program requirements:

  • Minimum semester hours required: 36
  • Coursework: At least 28 hours (plus thesis hours), 32 hours (plus project hours), 36 hours (for coursework only). 12 hours (for thesis and project options) and 16 hours (for coursework only) must be CS course offerings at the 500 level (excluding CS 590CS 595CS 596CS 597CS 598, and CS 599). No more than one special topics course (CS 594) may be counted toward the 500-level CS requirement. At most 8 hours of pre-approved non-CS graduate courses may be counted toward the overall requirement.
  • Comprehensive Examination: None

Considering applying for master’s-level study at UIC? Our MS degree booklet provides an introduction to our CS curriculum, students, and alumni.

Options to complete the master's degree Heading link

  • Coursework-only option

    In the course option, students complete all the credit hours toward the MS only through coursework.

  • Project option

    The project option allows students to demonstrate their learning in the form of a substantive capstone project. The project work must demonstrate a high level of professional skill, but students do not need to formally present or defend their projects.

  • Thesis option

    The thesis option is designed for graduate students with an interest in computer science research. The thesis option is strongly advised for students who may be interested in pursuing a PhD in the future.

Hear from our MS alumni!

Contacts Heading link

  • Email us

    If you have further questions about our graduate program, contact us at

  • Call us

    You can reach us by phone at (312) 996-5940.